I know that I want to nurse my baby, yet I'm sometimes filled with questions and anxiety
when I think about it. What if it doesn't come easy for me? What if we can't figure it out? What if my baby struggles?
I've seen moms nursing without a care in the world. They act like nothing unusual is
happening. They can talk on the phone, read a book, or carry on a conversation. Some moms can nurse and no one notices. Restaurants
and church, all no big deal. I'd love to be one of those moms, but somehow I know I'll be different. I imagine every feeding
will be an event. Maybe I won't leave the house for a while, until I get the "modest drape thing" mastered. I'm just not ready
to involve the whole world in something so intimate.
My prayer is that You will help me. I don't want to get frustrated and quit. Let this
new baby know exactly what to do. Protect us from infections and other complications. Please let me be surprised at how good
I can do. Give me patience to nurse on demand. Let nursing be a peaceful bonding time. Block out the world and help me to
focus on loving my baby well.
Lord, You created this. You know how it's supposed to work. I know that You can
make nursing come "naturally" for me. I will trust You and look forward to mothering as You planned. I'm a little unsure,
but still ready. By Your design, I will believe I can do it. In the name of Jesus.