Breastmilk or Formula?
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Breast Milk or Formula?

It's MORE than a choice between paper or plastic!


Each day you make decisions. Some decisions are simple, like whether to bag the groceries in paper or plastic. It really doesn't matter which you choose. It is just a matter of personal choice. Other choices are mcuh more important, like how you will feed your baby.

A newborn baby is like a puzzle with some missing pieces. What your baby eats will decide how well the missing pieces of the puzzle are filled in. After birth, your baby needs to build up a resistance to infection. Your baby's brain and central nervous system continue to grow. These don't come 'ready made' at birth. Compare the nutrients in breast milk and formula. It's MORE than a choice between paper and plastic!



Water  Water
Human milk protein  Cow's milk protein 
Lactose  Lactose 
Human fats  Vegetable fats 
Vitamins  Vitamins 
Minerals  Minerals 
Human nucleotides  Nucleotides made from vegetable extract 
Living cells   
Germ fighting proteins and carbohydrates   
The protein, fat and nucleotides in breast milk come right from mom. They are designed by nature for your baby's brain growth.   The protein, fat and nucleotides in formula come from animals and vegetables instead of mom. They are not designed by nature for your baby's brain growth. 
Breast milk also contains living cells, antibodies and germ-fighting proteins and carbohydrates. They help prevent your baby from getting sick. Breast milk is your baby's first immunization!  Formula does not contain any germ-fighting nutrients. Only moms can make them! Science cannot duplicate them! 

Your breast milk offers your baby benefits that will last a lifetime!

The History of Formula

here's some history of formula for you

Just to add to that:

So That's What They're For by Janet Tamaro

Who Thought of Formula?
"During WWII bottle feeding was a handy invention for women who had to pitch in for the war effort - and take their breasts with them to factory jobs. They used homemade formulas, usually made from cow's milk. Women in the '30s and '40s used a mixture of Pet evaporated milk and Karo corn syrup (there was even a recipe for baby formula on the back of the milk can.) But b/c baby humans have much more delicate systems than baby cows, baby humans have a hard time digesting cow's milk."
"Formula companies have driven themselves crazy trying to manufacture a rough approximation of a substance that already exists! Do you know how they came up with the recipe for formula? Years of research? Scientific grants to come up with the perfect food for babies? A team of Nobel Prize winners working together to concoct a formula?"
"No. Dairy farmers were trying to figure out what to do with a by-product of milk, butter, and cheese production, the thing that was left over after everything else was processed and sold. That by-product is called whey. At the same time, to maximize profit, industrious men were trying to figure out how to market a food for babies to compete with homemade forumla and breastmilk. These businessmen figured out that if they mixed whey with oil and water, they could feed it to babies without killing them (bad idea if you're trying to establish a market for your product). So the very first ingredient after water in most formula is essentially a waste product of dairy production. Then the manufacturers added vitamins and either palm, soy, or coconut oil - which are among the cheapest oils available - and voila, they created formula. These oils are the very same ones used in the movie theater popcorn that people are passing up for health resons!"
(page 32)

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The people at Breastfeeding101 are not medical professionals. We are moms here to show support. Please consult your physician or LC for any medical questions you might have.