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Breastfeeding Links:
Lansinoh ~ This site offers lots of breastfeeding information, supplies and accessories to make breastfeeding more successful and enjoyable for you and baby. ~ This website is to provide evidence-based infomation on breastfeeding and attachment parenting.
La Leche League ~ LLL is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education adn to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of hte baby and mother. Find a LLL support group near you!
Mothers wear ~ ask question to LC's, read advice/tips of other nursing mothers, download resources, and more
Drugs in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding ~ A comprehensive listing of what is known about the safety of hundreds of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
BreastFeeding After Reduction (BFAR) ~ is a non-profit organization founded to provide information and support to mothers who wish to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery, and to provide information to health care providers about the feasibility and protocols of breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery. ~ This site has tons of ingo, even pictures and video cips on how to breastfeed, pump, latch, position, etc.
International Lactation Consultant Association ~ A worldwide network of lactation professionals
Keep Kids Healthy ~ Breastfeeding Center
Medela ~ Medela provides breastpumps and breastfeeding accessories. Medela maintains its leadership through ongoing investment in breastfeeding research, promotion and support.
Militant Breastfeeding Cult ~ designed as an information resource and community to assist mothers and all those concerned about their babies.
Mothersrisk ~ This website offers factsheets and news about the effects of medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Nursing Mothers Counsel ~ is a non-affiliated, non-profit organization whose goal is to help mothers enjoy a relaxed and happy feeding relationship with their babies by providing breastfeeding information and support. ~ dedicated to breastfeeding moms and their nurslings. Advocates for breastfeeding and to spread the word that breastfeeding is not outdated and is still very much alive all over the world.

Members Sites:
Proverbs Women ~ A site for ladies only who want to support and encourage one another in Christian love.
Nursing Your Toddler ~ A supportive and friendly site for moms nursing into and beyond their first year.
Woof-Prints Photography ~ photography business in the Northern IL/Southern WI area. We photograph people AND pets. Please visit the site, and keep us in mind if you are ever in the area.
Sisters of Breastfeeding - a website that aims to educate and share information on breastfeeding, cloth diapering, attachment parenting, natural family living and more.
If you have a breastfeeding site or have a personal site you would like listed, please email the manager to have it added to this page.

The people at Breastfeeding101 are not medical professionals. We are moms here to show support. Please consult your physician or LC for any medical questions you might have.